About us

Why AARD, and how it started

AARD is a simple abbreviation of my surname, Hvengaard. It's easy to pronounce and made a good logo. Sometimes you don't need to complicate it too much.

The idea of AARD Racing started in the summer of 2021 when I was asked to run a motocross school for the kids in the Trondheim Motorcycle Club. I was very nervous but felt that this could probably be a fun and educational challenge. After the first training session, some of the parents contacted me and told me how much fun their children had and how they were looking forward to the next training session. Then and there a tiny flame was lit in me that slowly continued burning. It was so fun and rewarding to  be able to teach, therefor in 2022 I took the full leap and started AARD Racing!

Our goal

The goal of AARD Racing is to offer the customer customized solutions in the form of coaching in driving technique and physical training. Train mental mindset to achieve goals and break through mental blockades. Help the customer navigate the wide field of motorsport. Offer packages for company exposure at international events and competitions. To participate in competitive activities on a international level and become a prominent Swedish ambassador in the 'cross country rallies' motorcycle category.

About me

Nemo Hvengaard 

When he's not hanging from a rope and dangling 40 meters above the surface on a offhsore installation, or climbing out on the tip of blade 120 meters into the air on a wind turbine, he is riding  motorcycles with focus on gravel and off-road. With several long-distance adventures through mountains and valleys in southern Europe and Scandinavia. As well as actively competing in enduro up to the national championships, he wants to share his experiences in a calm, fun and educational way.

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